Change is all around us. Transformation is happening within the workforce, and we are moving forward together as businesses adapt and advance at a greater scale and faster pace than we’ve experienced over the last two decades. I know that leading through change can be challenging. However, it’s necessary for continued learning and growth. One consistent lesson I’ve learned throughout my 25 years in the staffing industry is that change is a constant. We are perpetually thinking ahead to adapt to evolving workforce needs. The resources people rely on at work like health benefits, technology and safe, collaborative environments are always progressing, and so must we.

While it may feel like in-demand skills can be acquired in an instant thanks to virtual environments, the competition for talent is as fierce as ever.

With business transformation as a chief priority for many organizations in 2021, it’s no surprise that human resources teams are feeling the pressure of change initiatives. The extended workforce is growing in popularity. As employers plan for their changing staffing needs, many are embracing the benefits of contingent labor strategies. At the same time, corporate social responsibility is on the rise and corporate agendas are uniting talent acquisition and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives to their overarching business strategy. In addition to refining temporary and direct hire recruitment objectives, the rapid adoption of remote work and digital communications are removing even more barriers to work. It is an exciting time to grow possibility for employers and employees!

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By leveraging the power of new resources and expanded expertise, we have great potential to revolutionize business.

 Despite all the progress, there are still many unknowns to face. Balancing the diverse needs of people ─ including the type of work they want and for how long ─ can make finding and retaining qualified skills for growing project work complicated. It’s not insurmountable, especially with the right tools and strategy in place. With the growing demand for flexibility, many modern workforces are relying on continued engagement of in-demand talent and niche skills. Whether through technologies or strategic partnerships, we’re seeing our industry momentum grow as we continue solving for evolving employment/nonemployment/co-employment challenges.

Now is the time to move away from disparate systems and toward centralized management.

With the increasing adoption of remote and hybrid work models, many are growing their investments in workplace individuality and flexible employment solutions. For companies without a physical workplace, managing a contingent workforce is still possible. However, without streamlining your systems, “flexible” can feel daunting. Labor guidelines vary by geography, so understanding headcounts, payments, contract terms and pay expectations fully, accurately and at any given time, requires efficient communication and processes. Paying careful attention to each worker classification and understanding each regional distinction to assure accurate compensation is necessary to remain compliant. More so, it’s integral to maintaining positive relationships with the independent contractors, freelancers, and project workers upon whom your business depends.

It’s an incredible time for change; change that can result in problem solving, innovation and moving forward together.

Staying ahead of change is important. Businesses depend on us to remain flexible, so flexibility is a must at Atrium. With a great deal of uncertainty, change can feel risky. It’s a delicate balance. While I have learned not to allow fear of the unknown to dictate decisions or impede progress, it’s still vital we calculate risks and fully understand the changes that are happening in the workforce. As businesses and governments continue to adjust to modern work models, new regulations are emerging. Familiarizing yourself and your team with potential labor legislation, either internally or with the help of a firm that specializes in compliance, can help you better communicate and lead through changes as they arise.

Above all else, I believe we have the power to overcome most obstacles if we remain adaptable. The same holds true for workforce strategies, and we are seeing first-hand that flexibility is essential for continued scaling.

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