If you are like me, it is hard to get things done in the summer. There are so many fun distractions, and it is a great time to take a break. We are now a couple weeks away from the official start of fall, and that means the calendar year-end crunch time is around the corner. A change of season is always a good time to check to see if you are on track with your leadership goals and what you want to accomplish.

When a leader starts in a coaching program with me, I have them complete a Leadership Questionnaire that asks them to reflect on their personal and professional goals — what is working well and what areas they would like to develop. It helps leaders take stock of their leadership journey and think about where they are right now and where they want to go.

I encourage them to keep this document and refer to it throughout the year to help them stay the course and/or reassess their plan if their priorities have changed.

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If you have committed to a similar process, now is a good time to have another look at your work and refocus on your goals. If you have never taken the time to reflect on your own goals, I encourage you to do so now. While the work will change over time, it serves as a guidepost along the way and helps leaders to stay on track.

Think about what you set out to achieve this year and how you measure up so far.

Are there actions you committed to that you have given up? Why — what got in the way? Is it something worth course correcting for?

If you are on track, you may want to consider setting an additional goal, taking some time for yourself to fill your own cup and/or paying it forward. Reflect on who on your team seems off track with their goals and how you can support them to get back on track.

The change in season brings with it renewed energy towards our goals. Are you ready to get back on track?

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