Workplace productivity is limited in many ways by the number of productivity tools used by the teams under your control. In this regard, the more useful the tools, the greater the productivity of the teams you run. Here are five important productivity tools that you might use to enhance the overall output of your team.

Todoist. This nifty little tool creates productivity apps that simplify and organize the workday. It’s a simple to-do list app that lets you manage all kinds of individual tasks as well as collaborate with your colleagues and coworkers. Some of its top features include the breakdown of tasks into individual subtasks and subprojects. It has separate notifications for recurring tasks and also sets its notifications based on their priority levels. If used correctly, it will help you to figure out what is on your plate and what you should start working on first. It will also help you to organize all of your work. Once your teams start using it, they won’t want to go back.

Pumble. This all-encompassing business management platform will actively help your team to communicate and collaborate. Its UI has been specifically designed with different channels for diverse topics and projects. Once your team has Pumble up and running, they can invite all of their other team members to join them. You can also send direct messages to your subordinates. And customization of notification feeds allows you to tailor it to your daily needs; for example, you can freeze all notifications while you work for periods ranging from five minutes up to two hours.

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Google Docs. Available to people who use Google services, Google Docs allows you to send files to your teammates or share them on an online spreadsheet. This handy tool also has its own excellent editor that not only automatically rectifies errors but also gives suggestions regarding grammar and syntax. Finally, it offers multiple levels of protection for its files. You can allow specific members of your team to view the files or allow anyone with the web link to access any particular file.

Clockify. Clockify is a simple but powerful tool for tracking your time during different projects. Clockify essentially provides basic stopwatch features so that one can easily track how long they spend working on different projects. The tool can be configured to start as soon as you open your browser, making it simple and easy-to-use! For those who don’t want Clockify open constantly, there is also a browser extension available. The Clockify system integrates with other popular tools like Trello, Asana, Jira and Todoist.

Massive. Massive is a great platform that helps in an enhanced and superfast file-sharing process, including very large files. Massive can seamlessly transfer your files to your team members so that they can work together or collaborate on different sections to create a finished file.

There are many new tools on the market that use technology to drive productivity. You can use any or all of the above tools to increase productivity in your workplace.

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